5 Nutritional Supplements for Immune Support

This blog is supported by our readers and contains affiliate links. If you purchase a recommendation using the article links, we may earn compensation. As an acupuncturist and integrative health practitioner, I recommend products to my patients following extensive research and clinical use. I am not compensated for endorsing these products and the opinions written in this article are my own. Additionally, as an Amazon Associate I earn compensation from qualifying book purchases. OMBE Integrative Health Center is an independently owned company located in the South Shore of Massachusetts.

Immune Boosting Supplements

In the past few years, there has been a significant amount of researching highlighting the correlation between the gastrointestinal system (your gut) and the immune system. Additionally, positive responses are being found in scientific literature for a wide range of natural supplements and Chinese herbs including Ban Lan Gen, turmeric, probiotics, and a few notable others.

This confirms the whole body approach of traditional medicine as well as acupuncture, another form of integrative medicine shown in research to benefit the immune system. In clinical practice, I find that the combination of immune boosting foods, a few helpful supplements, and acupuncture is the most effective combination. Here are five nutritional supplements that I often consider when formulating a treatment plan to boost the immune system:

  1. Vitamin D

    Research has been mounting for decades, highlighting the multiple benefits of Vitamin D beyond bone health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to autoimmune conditions, higher risk of cancer incidence and recurrence, as well as higher rates of multiple sclerosis.

    Additionally, studies show that Vitamin D deficiency is linked to the severity and incidence of several respiratory illnesses including COVID-19, COPD, and asthma. Research also shows an immune-related link to many brain-based conditions including ADHD. Optimal Vitamin D levels are associated with improved cognitive function in ADHD as well as other neurological conditions.

    What is an optimal Vitamin D level for immune support? How much Vitamin D should you take? The answer to this question is complex and depends on your health history and current levels. I recommend that every person asks their physician to test their Vitamin D levels once a year. You can not supplement your diet properly unless you know your levels. To learn more about optimal Vitamin D levels and its many benefits, read our Vitamin D Health Benefits article.

    In the meantime, I typically recommend starting supplementation while you wait for your test results. I recommend that patients supplement with Thorne's Liquid Vitamin D* in addition to PureHeart K2D by Pure Encapsulations*. Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 work synergistically in the body and they should be taken together. The combination of these two supplements will give you an optimal dose of both as well as the ability to customize the amount of Vitamin D you need depending on your health goals.

    When you click on these links, you will have access to OMBE’s full online apothecary through Thorne and Wellevate. Thorne offers 10-20% off their online supplement dispensary depending on the type of order you place. Thorne also offers at-home Vitamin D kits which are easy to use without having to leave the comfort of your home.

    Wellevate also offers 10% off all supplement purchases from OMBE’s online apothecary. Last but not least, if you want to learn more about the just-as-important-but-often-forgotten Vitamin K2, please read our article: Vitamin K2 Health Benefits.

  2. Zinc

    Zinc is a mineral that has been shown in research to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. We understand that zinc plays an important role in metabolism and the immune system. More research is needed to understand just how exactly zinc works to regulate immune responses.

    We do know that several studies show that zinc taken within the first 24-hours of the onset of a cold, reduces the duration and severity of symptoms. These studies typically have participants take lozenges containing anywhere from 10 to 24 mg of zinc gluconate. Participants took one lozenge every 1 to 4 hours during for 3 to 7 days. The key to using zinc in this manner is to start taking it at the very first sign of a sniffle, so it is best to have some on hand just in case. Similarly, research meta analyses has shown that zinc supplementation reduces COVID-19 morbidity, prevents the virus from entering the body, as well as improving the overall immune response.

    Many of my patients don’t like the taste of zinc lozenges or try to avoid the extra sugar. If they aren’t taking a multivitamin that contains zinc, I recommend that they have Thorne's Zinc Bisglycinate 15mg* on-hand for the first sign of the sniffles.

  3. Elderberry Syrup

    Elderberry Syrup has been used for centuries and research from Australia shows that elderberry inhibits the flu in various ways. Elderberry prevents the flu virus from replicating and stimulates cytokines, a type of cell designed to help the body's immune and inflammatory response.

    If you don’t have time to make your own syrup, one of my favorites is Wellevate’s Black Elderberry Syrup by Gaia Herbs*. Kids (and adults) will happily take this to soothe a sore throat or cough. Gaia Herbs is a Certified B Corporation, having high standards for social and environmental impact, transparency, and accountability.

  4. Probiotics

    Thousands of studies have now been conducted on various probiotic strains highlighting their effects on the immune system, digestive system, and more. Similar to other immune-modulating supplements, research shows that probiotics have a complex effect on the immune system and our microbiome.

    When choosing a probiotic for immune support, studies suggest that the total colony forming units (CFUs), preparation, and specific strains all matter. For immune system support, Lactobacillus acidophilus deserves mention as it helps to activate viral defense genes according to studies.

    Additionally, research is just beginning to illuminate the role of the Bifidobacteria family in the immune system. Evidence suggests that mothers transmit their unique Bifidobacteria strains to their children after birth. The Bifidobacteria family is of a particular interest in research. These bacteria appear to provide protection against several immune-related diseases including colorectal cancers and inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD).

    A good place to start in regards to supplementation is Thorne’s Florasport 20B* which includes 20 billion CFUs including the strains mentioned above.

  5. Organic Chinese Herbs

    In my home, I keep our medicine cabinet stocked with all of the above items. Additionally, I keep garlic, turmeric, and ginger on hand to make a batch of Garlic Lemonade at the first sign of a runny nose.

    Additionally, when someone in our family is under the weather, I also choose organic Chinese herbs as my first choice of defense. These classic formulas have been used for centuries to treat sore throats, fevers, cough, and the inevitable runny nose. Yes, they are also effective in managing RSV, the flu, and COVID-19.

    Research is just beginning to reveal the properties of these herbs traditionally used in formulas for colds, flus, and immune-related conditions. Most fascinating is that modern research confirms descriptions written in ancients texts. Two examples include the anti-viral properties of Ban Lan Gen and the immune-modulating effects Huang Qi.

    Organic Chinese herbs can be a wonderful addition to your medicine cabinet especially during the cold and flu season. To learn more about how to use organic Chinese herbs for your family, contact OMBE.

If you found this article helpful, you may also like our Immune Boosting Foods or How to Start a Meditation Practice articles.

More About OMBE

OMBE is celebrating 15 years of service in Massachusetts! Additionally, we are now scheduling in-person acupuncture sessions for our South Shore and Cape Cod clients. Telehealth consultations are available for all of our Massachusetts clients living in the Boston area, North Shore, and Western Massachusetts.

Learn more about us, read our organic health philosophy, or schedule an appointment. Contact us for any questions about appointment scheduling, acupuncture services, or integrative medicine. We look forward to hearing from you!

*This blog is supported by our readers and contains affiliate links. If you purchase a recommendation using the article links, we may earn compensation. As an acupuncturist and integrative health practitioner, I recommend products to my patients following extensive research and clinical use. I am not compensated for endorsing these products and the opinions written in this article are my own. Additionally, as an Amazon Associate I earn compensation from qualifying book purchases. OMBE Integrative Health Center is an independently owned company located in the South Shore of Massachusetts.